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Definition And Impact

Mass Casualty Incidents: Understanding and Preparing for Overwhelming Events

Definition and Impact

A mass casualty incident (MCI) is an event where emergency medical services (EMS) resources are overwhelmed by a large number of casualties.

MCIs can occur in various settings, including natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and transportation accidents.

The sheer volume of casualties in an MCI can strain local healthcare systems, leading to challenges in providing timely and adequate medical care.

Causes of MCIs

  • Natural disasters: earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, etc.
  • Terrorist attacks: bombings, shootings, chemical spills
  • Transportation accidents: plane crashes, train derailments, bus collisions

Planning and Response

Effective MCI planning involves collaboration among health authorities at all levels, as well as support from other sectors.

Plans should include:

  • Establishing triage protocols to prioritize medical care based on severity
  • Mobilizing additional EMS resources from surrounding areas
  • Setting up field hospitals or temporary medical facilities to increase capacity

Characteristics of MCIs

MCIs are characterized by:

  • Overwhelming number of casualties
  • Exceeding local healthcare capacity
  • Strain on EMS resources
  • Requirement for external support


Understanding and preparing for mass casualty incidents is crucial for ensuring effective emergency response and minimizing the impact on local healthcare systems.

Collaboration, planning, and coordinated efforts among health authorities and other sectors are essential to ensure an efficient and effective response during MCIs.

By leveraging best practices and adhering to established guidelines, communities can increase their resilience and enhance their ability to respond to these overwhelming events.
